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Angular JS installation and Getting started with Sample example

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In angular 2 applications we will use three types of packages. 
1. These are features, 2. polyfills and 3. other. 

Feature packages are the angular core packages to run the application. 

Polyfill packages handle browser compatibility. 

To resolve all the packages, Node.js requires package.json file

getting started with Angular 2 step by step using JavaScript.To download angular 2 packages we are using Node.js and NPM.

Install Node.js and NPM

To work with angular 2, we need to make sure that Node.js version must be 4.x.x or higher and for NPM it must be 3.x.x or higher.

Download and Install latest version of Node.js using the link

After installation, use below commands to check version

for NPM, npm -v
for Node, node -v


Follow below steps:

1. create following project structure

        --->node_modules (folder contains angular 2 packages downloaded by Node.js.)

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